a blog??


Been busy adding dumb little edits to various pages, but nothing substantial. 10 years on neocities with very little show for it.
I wish I had the motivotion outside of work hours to make more assets, but I simply cannot be bothered. There is too much of everything else in the world to do.

Speaking of work, things are going very well! I'm learning a lot and there have been no complaints about me thusfar. Just had my quarterly review and my manager bought me breakfast afterward. I think at the very least I will not be fired in the coming months. Woo!
I am slowly slowly slowly adding to the Tariff page, but it's more of time waster than anything at this point. I'm beginning to dislike how I've set it up though, so I may take a break from it to rework it at a later date. We'll see.

Cutting this short because I have to go. RIP


I may start using this page...
Though probably not frequently.

I've almost figured out how I want the tariff page to work, but I'm too tired to think of an easier way to actually do it. I do think the basic idea of how it's arranged and has the drop downs and such is quite nice, and fairly navigable. It'll just be a hell of a lot of work for me to paste everything and format it as I go. If anyone has any suggestions for ways to make it easier please let me know.
I thought maybe I could convert the tariff PDF into an excel sheet but it doesn't export it nicely so I guess I am just doomed to suffer.

Slightly unrelated but I am also attempting to convert all of the brightspace courses from CSCB into nice searchable PDFs. God I hate Brightspace. All My Homies Hate Brightspace!
It is a very tedious task, but people keep requesting I convert their courses for them because apparently people who work on computers all day are barely computer literate!

Perhaps the next blog post will be more bloggy. I could post pictures of my new kitten maybe. Or perhaps I will leave my website persona as mysterious as possible. I haven't decided how much I'd like to share here yet.

Oh well. Back to the PDF mines I go.