Links and Further Reading


Hyperlink Description Comments
Digital Egypt for Universities A learning and teaching resource for higher education, aimed to assist teaching across all disciplines. Created in 2000-2003, managed by Stephen Quirke. really awesome resource (kind of what I want this portion of the site to be like eventually, though perhaps more navigable)
The British Museum - 2005 Wayback snapshot of the British Museum's web site on ancient Egypt, "intended for upper Key Stage 2 schoolchildren and their teachers" Website for school children. Was retired sometime in 2023. The page it redirects to in current year (2024) has less style AND less information. Sad.
Canadian Museum of History 2022 Wayback snapshot of the Canadian Museum of History's "Mysteries of Egypt" page neat old site
University of Chicago Oriental Institute Egypt Publications
University of Chicago Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Publications
only up to 2015 for some reason?
UPDATE: only up to 2013 now lmao. also they changed their department name from "Oriental Institute" to "Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures" which is not really much better of a name imo since they still focus on Near Eastern civilizations. but whatevs
Chronological list of *all* ISAC (OI) Publications
MFA Boston Giza Archives
ETANA - Electronic Tools And Near Eastern Archives
"The Ancient Egypt Site" filled with weird ads? might be okay info though. neat to look through at least.
Egyptology Forum I check the news on here frequently
alt link under new domain
website by Francesco Raffaele nice old site with good bibliography
SASA Ancient Studies Resources Papyrological Navigator which supports searching, browsing, and aggregation of ancient papyrological documents and related material
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri collection


Hyperlink Description Comments
The Writing of a Skillful Scribe: An Introduction to Hieratic Middle Egyptian Through the Text of the Shipwrecked Sailor Searchable dictionary
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian Print Book by Paul Dickson (2006) (Gardiner)
Egyptian Hieroglyphs Online Lessons
Lexilogos Ancient Egyptian Dictionary Links to more resources


Hyperlink Description Language Comments
E-Journals and Digitized Paper Periodicals A list of online resources of (free) online journals and (free) digitized/digitalised paper periodicals, focussing on Egyptological material, compiled for EEF by Michael Tilgner, with additions by Alain Dautant and A.K. Eyma. English Another compilation of journals, some of which only exist on and make it difficult to link here. recently updated.
Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt German and English
AEGYPTUS Rivista italiana di Egittologia e di Papirologia Italian
AERA Newsletters and Reports English
AERA Books English Half of the books here are free to download, and the others are for purchase.
The Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Archaeology Fund Newsletter English
ANKH: Revue d'Egyptologie et des Civilisations africaines French
Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Egypte [ASAE] French and English Hosted on Internet Archive (Mostly French. Some English articles.)
Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Egypte [ASAE] French Hosted on Gallica (volumes 1-18)
Archäologie in Ägypten : Magazin des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo German and English
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan English
Bulletin de liaison de la céramique égyptienne French
Bulletin de l'institut d'Égypte French
Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien French
Bulletin du Cercle lyonnais d'égyptologie Victor Loret French
Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE) English No longer being published since death of their president? last bulletin in 2022.
Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston English
Cahiers Intégrés de Médecine Égyptienne French
Carnet de laboratoire en archéologie égyptienne French
CIPEG Journal: Ancient Egyptian & Sudanese Collections and Museums
Egypt and Austria Online Papers German
Egypt and Neighbouring Countries Russian
Egypt Exploration Society - Egyptian Archaeology (Magazine)
Egypt Exploration Society - The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 1914 - current
Egyptian journal of archaeological & restoration studies (EJARS)
Egyptian Museum, Cairo - Newsletter Arabic and English
Egyptological - Online Magazine and Journal
L égyptologie: journal mensuel Magazine, 1874 - 1877, dedicated to The Papyrus of Ani French
エジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies (Ejiputogaku kenkyū) Japanese
ENIM: Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne French
Interdisciplinary Egyptology
Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie German
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society "Ex Oriente Lux" (JEOL) English, French, and German(?)
The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
The Journal of Egyptological Studies (JES)
Journal of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology only oldest currently available
Lingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Studies only first 3 volumes free
Medżat Studia Egiptologiczne / Medjat Egyptological Studies Polish
NeHeT: Revue numérique d'Égyptologie French
Nekhen News
Newsletter of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities
Ostrakon, Norsk egyptologisk selskaps bulletin Norwegian
PHOENIX: Bulletin uitgegeven door het vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap EX ORIENTE LUX Dutch
Prazské egyptologické studie / Prague Egyptological Studies PES Czech and English
Egyptologues Bulletin d'Information Archéologique (BIA) French and English interesting site design...
Revue de presse égyptienne French and English links to online articles? god I wish I were better with French
Le Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale French and English
Trabajos de Egiptología / Papers on Ancient Egypt Spanish and English